CentrO - Essener Straße


Average daily footfall

76 m2

11.70m x 6.50m



This highly visible Giant Poster is located along the three-lane Essener Straße, which acts as a direct access road for the large car parks at CentrO in Oberhausen. With 23 million visitors a year, CentrO in Oberhausen is Europe’s largest shopping and entertainment centre and attracts visitors from throughout the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia to the Ruhr valley. Regular traffic congestion near the location leads to longer viewing times and intense contact with your advertising message. The immediate vicinity of the BlowUP offers a wide range of attractions, such as various exhibitions at Gasometer, the multifunctional König-Pilsener-Arena, the Sea Life aquarium, the Metronom Theater, a multiplex cinema, the Aquapark water park and a wide selection of restaurants and clubs.